Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Food Allergies in Children

I've been curious about children's food allergies for quite a while. I have a niece of whom I've know for at least 40 years that she is allergic to eggs. I couldn't understand how that was possible as we grew up--I'm from a large family of brothers and sisters and have nieces near my age. Increasingly, children are being reported as having allergies than in years prior.

Today (January 9, 2008) the New York Times printed an article by Kim Severson titled "Food Allergies Stir a Mother to Action." The article highlights the actions of Robyn O'Brien, a mother active in addressing foods that trigger allergies in children. Here is the link to the article, but you need to log in to the Times Web site to read it:

According to the article, Robyn O'Brien advocates throwing out nonorganic food to help children with allergies. However, food companies and other groups counter with the fact that research doesn't indicate that the problem is within the food.

I find it amazing that this discussion has continued for years and still little definitive research has been completed. Moreover, I don't trust any research from any organization that receives money directly or indirectly from the food industry. The sad point is that as adults have this food fight, children suffer.

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