Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How Sweet It Is!

The title of this blog post is stolen from Jackie Gleason, a comic from yesteryear. In a way he is a nice lead in, physically at least--a chubby fellow he was, for a few words concerning my journey to find healthy apple juice today . I indicate health because not all apple juice is healthy since many apple juice producers bump up the sugar level per serving. The recommended sugar level is 4 grams per serving. Finding that level is very difficult. In the case of apple juice in small containers suitable for children, I found the sugar level per serving to be extremely high: 17, 23, 25 grams. A woman with a child was also shopping for apple juice when I was today. I commented to her that the recommended healthy sugar level was 4 grams per serving, but all the choices on the shelves were well over that level. I was happy to see her check containers for sugar after our conversation and hoped it becomes a practice for the sake of her child. The best choice I found was Apple & Eve's 4.23 fl. oz. containers, which reflected 11 grams per serving.

The sugar level in yogurt is similar to that of apple juice. I suspect sugar levels are high in many everyday products. Since high sugar use correlates with obesity, I wondering whether Michelle Obama will focus on sugar levels in food as she spearheads projects addressing childhood obesity.

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