Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day 2009

Today I planted an onion from the root and stem of an onion I bought last Saturday--I'm not sure which end the growth would occur, if at all. Since last Earth Day, I've become more ecology conscious. For example, Instead of purchasing African Violets annually, as I have for years, last year I started developing new plants from the leaves of my older African Violet plants.

Another positive ecological change I've made is with using vinegar for cleaning instead of using commercial cleaning products. I add a small amount when washing dishes by hand. Outside the house, I'm using recipes from Jerry Baker books to care for my lawn and outside plants. His ingredients avoids chemicals that are harmful to the environment.

In activities I've developed for 3-6 year olds, I have reduce my reliance on plastic and products from China. Instead, I make products out of wood, textile, and recycled metal to support activities.

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