Monday, December 29, 2008
Character Education
- Motivating all students to do their best and care about the quality of their work
- Improving performance on standardized tests
- Reducing dropouts
- Preparing students for college and/or the workplace
Ethical challenges were cited as:
- Teaching students to respect legitimate authority, rules, and the rights of others
- Preventing peer cruelty
- Promoting academic honesty
- Reducing risky behaviors
- Helping students become responsible citizens
All of this is praiseworthy, but I always find it difficult to talk about character education without the family unit being at the center of the discussion. Moreover, schools are leveled with the responsibility of character education even though a child's character is clearly framed prior to a child's first step onto a school's campus.
I agree schools should assist parents in teaching children positive behavior. The first teacher for this type of education is the family unit, however. If schools are reporting lack of time testable subjects why should they accept an additional challenge as lead teacher for character education. My strong view is that society should force parents to fulfill their duty to education children in character development and let schools return to the "three Rs."
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
One Laptop Per Child Project
Initially, I thought the project was odd in that someone was focusing on computers for African children when in many cases those children needed food more than computers. I've had a change of mind after thinking that any needed resource a benefactor can provide is good and trying to work with so many people on a priority for what resources to give, when to provide it, and to whom to give would be a nightmare.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Girls Have Superior Sense Of Taste Compared To Boys

For some reason I've suspected that girls have a more superior sense of taste, on average, than boys. An article in Science Daily provides information concerning a study done in Denmark that supports the idea that girls have a more acute sense of taste. Moreover, the article indicates that boys and girls tend to lean toward different taste directions where in boys seem to prefer sour items more often than girls.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Which Country is #1 in Raising Healthy and Happy Children?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Physical Ed for K-5 in Florida
Monday, December 8, 2008
A Father's Presence Makes a Signifcant Difference in a Child's Life
Thursday, December 4, 2008
As the debate continues concerning this case, I think Emily Bazelon at was on the right track when she wrote: "Drew was an adult who secretly entered a teenage world and made it more dangerous." My view is slightly different however. I believe Lori Drew is a predator. The only part missing from this case and other predatory cases is the sexual intent. The imbalanced of power/age in the relationship is there, the secret identity by the adult is there, and the intent to do harm to a child is there.
The media is referring to the situation as cyber-bullying, but I think that term is best used when the communication is between children or between adults. An adult-child communication is predatory in my mind.