Friday, August 29, 2008
Whose Children Are They?
I mention this because I still remember my mother telling her children that we shouldn't follow other people, particularly when they were doing something negative. Of course, there was that standard questions: If all the other kids are jumping off a cliff, would you jump? My thought is that I don't go to a furniture store expecting to purchase ice cream, so I question why we're expecting entertainers, sports people, etc. to be a moral compass for our children?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Day Care Research
Ms. Boodman mentioned that no males worked at the facility she profiled in the article. That is not a surprise.
I taught child development courses at a junior college and observed students for state and national childcare certification. In all the childcare centers I visited to observe students, I never saw a male working as a teacher. At one facility I followed the observation protocol by quietly watching one of my students provide care to 2-3 year olds. One little guy didn't want to nap and tried hard to get my attention without disturbing the other sleeping children. He quietly moved closer and closer to me as I sat in a corner. He finally climbed onto my lap, and I became his tree. I remained still while he moved from my lap, over my shoulder, and to my back. I finally told him that he needed to try to nap.
What I realized was that this little guy decided to take advantage of the only male he saw in the center. This situation left me wondering what children are losing with so few males working as teachers in day care centers. I realize the fear is that males will molest children and that fear is added to the anxiety parents feel when leave children for others to provide care. I'll have more to say about this after I track down a book tittled A Nation of Wimps by Hara Estroff Marano. According to an interview of Marano by Sam Miller of Freedom News Service, Marano believes that we are raising children to be weak because of over protection. Also, Marano believes that children are at risk more at home than outside the home.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Child Shot With Air Gun
"While we are still trying to establish precisely what happened, this does appear to be a tragic accident involving young children," said DI Simon Vowles.
Somehow this hit me as a cop out. The article mentioned that the father of the children left there children unattended. However, there is no discussion about the father left a weapon within the reach of the children. I believe the father should be held accountable for the accident, not the children.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Children Cheating at Games

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Children Books Made into Movies
On one level I understand that publishers need to tie children books to movies to help the struggling publishing industry. I have misgivings, however, because in a way I feel children and parents are being manipulated by the process.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I Heard That!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Interesting, Very Interesting
(YouTube Video ["Action For Blind People - Kids Sports Club"])
There is evidence that celebratory gestures may be hardwired in humans. New Scientist has an article that cites a study within which the discovery was made that blind athletes display triumphant and disappointing gestures similar to those of people with sight.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Writing Off Disabled Children
It seems so odd that we label our country as being a "Christian Nation," but we often turn our backs on the most vulnerable among us: children.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
What About Sex?
The video left me with the impression that the book being highlighted is not breaking new ground.
The problem of children being bombarded with sexually-charged material has been on my mind for a long time. I really, really hate Viagra (and similar products) being advertised on TV during primetime and earlier. Also, I'm annoyed at how as a society we paint so much with a sexual brush. For example, a few days ago I saw a commercial, which indicated that a "pool" was sexy. I'm sure you've seen ads about cars, clothes, and other products being given sexual significance. From politics, what about the report that a British government official said that the U.S. wanted to "sexy up" the evidence to support invading Iraq? Through all of this, it's no wonder that children are exploring sex earlier and earlier. As adults we have set the stage, and I don't see much of an outcry to de-sex our society.
The crazy part of me wonders whether the hormones used to fatten animals for market is having an effect on humans in the form of heightened interest in sex. I haven't seen research supporting or debunking this idea, however.